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Add Social Account

How to add your Telegram contacts, groups, and channels to the FS Poster

First, we need to create a Telegram bot. Please follow the steps below to create a bot and add your chats to the plugin:

1. Open the Telegram desktop on your PC or the mobile app on your smartphone, search for @botfather and click the verified one;

2. Click the Start button;

3. Click the "/newbot"

4. Type a name for your bot;

5. Type a username for your bot. It must end in `bot`. For example, FSPosterTestBot or FSPosterTest_bot;

6. Copy your token, and go to the FS Poster > Accounts > Telegram menu;

7. Click the ADD A BOT button;

8. Paste your token, and click the ADD button;

10. Search for your bot name or go to the bot URL on a browser and click the Start button. Your customers should start the bot so that they can receive messages.

11. Now, if you click the ADD A CHAT button on the FS Poster > Accounts > Telegram menu, you will see people who started the bot;

13. Click the name; as a result, the Chat ID box will be filled, and click the ADD button, then activate the chat;

If you want to add your telegram groups to your contact list, you need to add the bot to your groups. Go to your bot on the Telegram desktop, and click the "Add to group". As a result, when you click the ADD A CHAT button, you will see your groups;

If you want to add your Telegram channels to your contact list. Click the ADD A CHAT button, and type @ as well as your channel name;

To share posts on your channel, you need to add the bot to your channel as an administrator. Go to your channel on the Telegram desktop > Manage channel > Administrators > Add administrator, and search for your bot. Click your bot to add it to the channel;

Getting Started
