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How To Auto-Publish And Schedule WordPress Posts On Blogger

Option 1: Use the FS Poster Standard App to add your account;

Option 2: Create your personal Blogger API and add your accounts using the personal App (Recommended);

1. Use the FS Poster Standard App to add your account

Please follow the steps below to add Blogger accounts to the FS Poster plugin:

- Go to FS Poster > Accounts > Blogger;

How To Auto-post And Schedule WordPress Posts To Blogger

- Click the ADD AN ACCOUNT button. It will use the Standard App by default and that App is hidden. You do not need to check the “Use a custom App”, if you do not have one;

How To Auto-post And Schedule WordPress Posts To Blogger

- Click the GET ACCESS button and then check all the required checkboxes in the opened window;

- Click the Continue button to add the account to the plugin.

How To Auto-post And Schedule WordPress Posts To Blogger

Activate your account to share posts on Blogger.

How to add a Plurk account to the FS Poster plugin

2. Create your personal App and add your accounts using the personal App

Prepare and submit for verification

  1. Publish your appto production.
  • Apps in development, testing or staging are not applicable for verification.
  • Once your app is ready for verification, publish your app from “testing” to “production”  by clicking on the “Publish App” button.

Blogger App verification

  1. Once your app is published to production,click “Prepare for Verification”to proceed to submit your app for verification.
  • In the next page you will be presented with all the information you have configured for your app. Read through all details to make sure all details are correct and up-to-date, then click “Save and Continue”
  1. Scope Justification: If your app is requesting any sensitive or restricted scopes, you will need to explain how your app will use these scopes.
  2. Demo Video: Provide a video that demonstrates the functionality, the OAuth flow of the app and shows how the scopes are being used. The video should demonstrate how you add your account to the plugin and share a post on Blogger with the plugin.
  3. In the final step, click on “Submit for Verification” to begin the app review process. Once your app is submitted for verification, the OAuth review team will review all the submitted details.

Don’t wait, start now!

Choose a style, use sections to build pages and lastly, add your copy. It only takes a few clicks to get your site ready to go.